11/24/2020 – Group Coach Meeting – Special Guest Cate Shanahan


In our Group Coaching meeting held November 24, we had the pleasure of being joined by Dr. Cate Shanahan. Dr. Cate is a leading authority on nutrition, a board-certified Family Physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and NY Times bestselling author of The Fat Burn Fix, Deep Nutrition and Food Rules.

Her expertise is fixing underlying problems that cause metabolic damage and inflammation that leads to autoimmunity, weight gain, diabetes, cancer, and accelerated aging. To see more about Dr. Cate Shanahan visit her website.


  • Refined oils are a notable driver in both diabetes and insulin resistance. These processed oils, in mechanistic studies, have been shown to increase inflammation and have some unfavorable effects on metabolism, hormone sensitivity, testosterone, estrogen, and mitochondria. These problems typically reverse once processed/added oils & fats are removed. 
  • There are so many highly processed oils in our food environment today that most people don’t realize. Nearly 80% of their fat calories are potentially coming from these sources and they are getting higher every year.
  • Dr. Cate discussed a 12-week study of people who suffered from migraines and required up to five medications to treat, 80% were able to eliminate the medications after around 10 weeks of cutting out seed oils.


  • Nuts and seeds in their pure form are quite healthy, while the processing and real-world use of highly processed seed oils is concerning to Dr. Cate.
  • Cutting excessive processed oils can quickly improve lipid numbers like lowering triglycerides and raising HDL cholesterol.
  • Watch out for the use of highly processed oils in most prepackaged products, even things labeled low carb and keto and foods you may not suspect like nuts and jerky.
  • Dr. Cate mentioned that her preference for oils includes extra-virgin olive oil and avocado oil. 

We are thrilled to announce we will be joined at our December 1, 2020 weekly Group Coaching meeting by investigative science journalist Nina Teicholz, author of New York Times Bestseller The Big Fat Surprise, and Executive Director of The Nutrition Coalition.

The December 1st meeting, which will be held via Zoom, is open to all at no charge (the first meeting of each month is open to all). Register here.


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