
A health coaching program
that is personal

We promote wellness using a customized multi-modal approach to help you achieve your goals.

Provides unmatched support, with real-time touchpoints, to help you get off the diet-binge-restrict cycle and make small sustainable changes with more durability.

A structured program to educate and guide your lifestyle efforts with direct one-on-one weekly feedback and accountability to build long-term success.

Learn dietary and lifestyle change strategies for addressing your weight-loss goals and sustaining them beyond willpower.

Includes a smart biofeedback scale that provides remote monitoring equipment for seamless real-time care to monitor your progress.

Elements of the Program

This program
is for you...

Program Benefits

Comprehensive Evaluation
& Program Plan

We spend time with you because we care! Your first interaction with our office upon enrollment will include an onboarding call with your health coach to discuss your goals during you program and provide a walk-through of 

your program over the next 

24-weeks. Your next visit will be meeting with your health coach to start your program! Your coach will provide you with 

the fundamentals of starting your new lifestyle providing 

you with resources to succeed. 

Real-time Progress

Your first 8-weeks will include weekly appointments to monitor your progress and ensure a smooth transition to your new lifestyle. Our program is designed for simplicity. There is no need to track or count calories. Instead, we will focus on appetite, hunger and cravings.

& Fitness

As we track and adjust your program to maintain success, we will soon turn our focus to intermittent fasting and activity. Once appetite suppression is achieved and patients are confident in their ability to sustain their lifestyle goals and their dietary changes are secure, our coaches may implement new strategies to help you achieve your goals. 

Ensuring Continued Success

Towards the conclusion of your Health Coaching program, we will allow for more self-sustained accountability and discuss overcoming these challenges that may include plateaus, holidays, travel, work events, and more. Preparing for these times will ensure you are successful long term.

Led by

Our trained & experienced certified Health Coaches will guide each Small Group Coaching session and work through small, achievable action items each week. With their vast experience, our coaches are well equipped to provide practical strategies toward sustainable solutions.

Brian Wiley, CHP

Brian Wiley is a Certified Health Coach who has struggled with food addiction and battled with obesity for most of his life. Being advised with mainstream approaches as his solution, along with the standard, “eat less, move more” resulted in minimal, or no success with eventual regain. In 2009, he reached his highest weight of 265 pounds. His doctor advised and encouraged him to take medications after his blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol reached dangerous levels at the age of only 35.

Amy Eiges, CHP

Amy Eiges is a Certified Health Coach and reformed chronic dieter who is passionate about helping others recover from the diet-binge-gain-shame cycle she struggled with for years. Since discovering a ketogenic and low-carb lifestyle, she has lost over 200 pounds and has both reversed pre-diabetes and resolved lifelong depression.

Vic Basmadjian, CHP​

Vic Basmadjian is a Certified Health Coach who has successfully transformed his health and lifestyle through the ketogenic diet. Amid struggles with weight loss and calorie restriction, Vic’s turning point came at 55.

With a weight nearing 300 lbs and battling health woes, he embraced the ketogenic diet, witnessing its remarkable impact. Now 60, he maintains a 110 lbs weight loss, ditched medications, and passionately aids others on their health quests, sharing wisdom and inspiration.

Tia Reid, CH

Tia Reid, CDM, CFPP, MHP, overcame T2D, metabolic syndrome, and other health issues by treating carbohydrates as an addiction. She lost 100 pounds, eliminated over 20 medications, and now advocates for the Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) lifestyle. With over 35 years in service-based roles, Tia shares her journey and expertise on numerous podcasts, inspiring others to embrace LCHF nutrition.


/monthly *

*Retainer for 6 months. There are no cancellations for this program. 

All members are expected to commit 

to the entirety of the program. 



Tia Reid

Vic Basmadjian

What’s Included:

What’s not included:


Am I required to commit?

Yes, all enrollees are expected to commit to the entirety of the program.

How many appointments do I get in the Health Coaching program?

In a typical program, you will have a total of 15 appointments including onboarding calls. We also have several weekly group meetings that are open to program members via the Toward Health App.

makes a difference

The Toward Health App helps you reclaim your health by providing real support, powerful resources and a community by your side.


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Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss and Primary Care provides nationwide medical weight loss, primary and metabolic care through an individualized approach that reverses and prevents disease. 

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Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss and Primary Care provides nationwide medical weight loss, primary and metabolic care through an individualized approach that reverses and prevents disease.

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Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care.
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“The Weight Loss Mindset”

Attend our 4-hour virtual lecture series for practical weight loss strategies and metabolic health insights from expert speakers.