Making an impact

The mission that drives Dr. Laura Buchanan is to help people age successfully. As a certified metabolic health practitioner (MHP) and a founding member of the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners, Dr. Buchanan thrives when given the chance to make an impact on her patients’ lives and provide education on the effectiveness of a ketogenic diet and aging.


A talk by Dr. Laura Buchanan, given recently to the Forsyth County Republican Women’s organization explained what metabolic health is, how the modern food environment makes us sick, and how a well formulated ketogenic diet can restore us back to good health.


The talk, given on March 23rd 2023, focused on how insulin resistance drives metabolic disease, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Viewers were walked through a theoretical example of how repeatedly eating high carbohydrate meals will stimulate insulin to drive blood sugar into fat cells, which will eventually lead to insulin resistance.


Following that example, another example of eating steak was given in which insulin was minimally increased and insulin resistance did not occur. Additional topics in the talk included the neurology and hormonal aspects of eating a well formulated ketogenic diet, including improvements in ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and rewiring of the reward system of the brain.


“The US Dietary Guidelines have failed us. Only 7% of the United States has optimal cardiometabolic health based on their lipids, BMI, and blood sugar. I feel fortunate organizations like this are showing interest in low-carbohydrate education and recognizing it may have a role in improving our countries metabolic health.” says Dr. Laura Buchanan.



Another talk by Dr. Laura Buchanan given recently to the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics highlights the effectiveness and safety of a well formulated ketogenic diet as people age into their senior years.


The talk, given on March 30th, 2023, for the Healthy Aging Virtual Conference, focused on how to safely implement a well formulated ketogenic diet in the aging adult. Special highlights include how a well formulated ketogenic diet, with its emphasis on nutrient-dense high-protein food, can help maintain muscle mass and strength to mitigate frailty as we age.


The talk also thoroughly discussed how to safely implement a well formulated ketogenic diet in the older adult population, who are at high risk of becoming overmedicated as the diet rapidly improves diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Patients that have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure need a provider and an experienced team-based healthcare model that is well versed in low carbohydrate interventions and how to safely deprescribe medications for these diseases.


“I was honored to give the talk on how to safely implement a ketogenic diet in the aging adult. I have had 80-year-old patients who were able to stop insulin by improving their metabolic health on a well formulated ketogenic diet. Empowering future dietitians with this knowledge is critical as more people start improving their metabolic health with a ketogenic lifestyle.” says Dr Laura Buchanan.




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