What We Are Eating This Week: February 8, 2021

This week, Dr. Tro’s Office Manager, Taline Boyadzhyan shared two quick low carb meals she prepared. She’s the busy mom of two young kids, with a full time job and hefty graduate school schedule.

“I had been at work all day, picked up the kids from school and took them to a routine doctors appointment. By the time we finished it was 5:30 pm and needed something quick. We ordered drive up Whole Foods pick-up and were on our way with dinner!! When we got home I made a quick salad with spinach, red peppers, cucumber, and tomatoes.”

Another night a few days later, Taline was stuck at the office late and needed to come up with another quick meal for the family. She opted for a keto-crust pizza from Blaze Pizza. “Sometimes I have time to make a big, over-the-top meal, but this week it was quick and easy rotisserie chicken and takeout from Blaze. Doesn’t always have to be complicated or time-consuming.”


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Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss and Primary Care provides nationwide medical weight loss, primary and metabolic care through an individualized approach that reverses and prevents disease.

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