The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), a unique lizard known for its binge-eating behavior, produces the...
Read More >Welcome to a telemedicine practice that dramatically improves lives by combining individualized, compassionate care with state-of-the-art biometric remote monitoring.
Our expert team understands food addiction and metabolic disease firsthand. Our physicians and health coaches will work with you to create a thorough medical plan to meet your goals and help overcome any challenges you face. It is never too late to make a positive change.
We are a leader in telemedicine with a unique approach to weight loss based on the most up-to-date peer-reviewed published research, data and guidelines.
Our practice is compassionate, judgment-free and provides dedicated support from the entire team. Our goal is to educate you on how to sustain positive lifestyle changes for optimal wellness rather than keep you stuck in shame and blame.
We are the first fully-integrated telemedicine practice
with an amazing weight loss community made up of
thousands of real people who champion your success at all times.
Download the Toward Health App for access to real support
and resources to help reclaim your health.
Our integration of cutting-edge technologies and smart medical devices offer you the best care, anytime, anywhere.
Brian Wiley is a Certified Health Coach who has struggled with food addiction and battled with obesity for most of his life. Being advised with mainstream approaches as his solution, along with the standard, “eat less, move more” resulted in minimal, or no success with eventual regain. In 2009, he reached his highest weight of 265 pounds. His doctor advised and encouraged him to take medications after his blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol reached dangerous levels at the age of only 35.
Amy Eiges is a health coach and reformed chronic dieter who is passionate about helping others recover from the diet-binge-gain-shame cycle she struggled with for years. Since discovering a ketogenic and low-carb lifestyle, she has lost over 200 pounds and has both reversed pre-diabetes and resolved lifelong depression.
You don’t have to do this alone.
A Louisiana-based company showcases their innovative strategy in enhancing employee wellness and combating lifestyle-related diseases through the implementation of a medical weight loss program.
A company working to help their employees get into shape.Imagine if you went to work, and your company gave you the tools and time you needed to get in top health and lose weight.
A Louisiana employer’s health perks helped their workers lose weight. The approach could be a blueprint for other large companies in Louisiana, where health insurance costs are among the highest in the nation.
The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), a unique lizard known for its binge-eating behavior, produces the...
Read More >In a striking display of marketing prowess, Eli Lilly recently funded a full-page advertisement in...
Read More >In regard to my relationship with food, weight and body image, I’ve always secretly felt...
Read More >Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss and Primary Care provides nationwide medical weight loss, primary and metabolic care through an individualized approach that reverses and prevents disease.
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Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss and Primary Care provides nationwide medical weight loss, primary and metabolic care through an individualized approach that reverses and prevents disease.
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