Is Low-Carb
Eating Expensive?

Is low-carb eating expensive? The short answer is NO, but it can be if you let it!   Why? The main culprits are prepackaged keto products. A lot of people buy these to replace the old carb-filled foods they used to eat, but these products are often very expensive, and the costs can add up… Continue reading Is Low-Carb
Eating Expensive?

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Member Spotlight:
Barbara F.

Name: Barbara Age: 58 Where do you live? Kenner, Louisiana Profession? Customer Service Account Representative Diet/weight history? I have tried many diets over the years and was not successful. I have been obese most of my life and my weight has been increasing every year…until I started Dr. Tro’s Weight loss program. Successes achieved on… Continue reading Member Spotlight:
Barbara F.

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