I used to start off every new year with a laundry list of ambitious resolutions, but there was never any real understanding of how I would actually achieve them. So, basically, I had a wish list of pipe-dreams for who I longed to be, with no footing in reality and zero probability that I would ever… Continue reading Amy’s Corner: New Year, New Challenges
Month: December 2023
Diet Study Reveals Major Flaws
The reanalysis of a study conducted by the NIH examining the differences between an animal-based low-carbohydrate diet and plant-based low-fat diet goes beyond the expected support for low-carb diets, uncovering unexpected twists. Notably, the data suggests that a Low-Carb Diet (LCD) reduces future eating, while a low-calorie, low-fat diet increases it. However, uncertainty arises… Continue reading Diet Study Reveals Major Flaws