Lessons from the Gila Monster: GLP-1 and Ketogenic Diets

The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), a unique lizard known for its binge-eating behavior, produces the hormone exenatide, the basis for diabetes medications such as Ozempic and Mounjaro.   This reptile stores significant amounts of energy in its fatty, moisture-rich tail, aiding in weight and hydration maintenance. The GLP-1 hormone is exclusively released from its saliva… Continue reading Lessons from the Gila Monster: GLP-1 and Ketogenic Diets

Beyond the Pill: Why Pharmaceutical Quick Fixes Fall Short

In a striking display of marketing prowess, Eli Lilly recently funded a full-page advertisement in the New York Times, touting its latest pharmaceutical offering as a groundbreaking solution to the obesity epidemic. This move, while ostensibly aimed at addressing a significant public health issue, ultimately serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive myopia within… Continue reading Beyond the Pill: Why Pharmaceutical Quick Fixes Fall Short

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Questioning the American Academy of Pediatrics’ View on Low-Carb Diets for Children

A recent critique authored by Dr. Tro Kalayjian, Dr. Laura Buchanan, and colleagues in the Journal of Metabolic Health take aim at the American Academy of Pediatrics‘ (AAP) approach to low-carbohydrate diets for children with or at risk for metabolic diseases. Expressing significant concerns, the authors highlight biases and missed opportunities in the AAP’s consensus… Continue reading Questioning the American Academy of Pediatrics’ View on Low-Carb Diets for Children

Empowering Health: Results and Initiatives Revealed at SMHP Low Carb Conference

In addition to moderating the Type 1 workshop and delivering a talk on the ‘Factors that predict weight loss or improved food relationship,’ Dr. Tro Kalayjian presented the impressive results stemming from the partnership between a manufacturing company and Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss, a metabolic health clinic, at the SMHP Low Carb Conference in… Continue reading Empowering Health: Results and Initiatives Revealed at SMHP Low Carb Conference

Unveiling Groundbreaking Research at SMHP’s Low Carb BOCA Conference

Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss to Showcase Groundbreaking Research at SMHP’s Low Carb BOCA Conference Hosted by Low Carb USA   Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss is set to make a significant mark at the upcoming SMHP’s Low Carb BOCA conference, hosted by Low Carb USA. Known for their pioneering approach to health and wellness,… Continue reading Unveiling Groundbreaking Research at SMHP’s Low Carb BOCA Conference

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Diet Study Reveals Major Flaws

The reanalysis of a study conducted by the NIH examining the differences between an animal-based low-carbohydrate diet and plant-based low-fat diet goes beyond the expected support for low-carb diets, uncovering unexpected twists. Notably, the data suggests that a Low-Carb Diet (LCD) reduces future eating, while a low-calorie, low-fat diet increases it.   However, uncertainty arises… Continue reading Diet Study Reveals Major Flaws

Mastering Special Events

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, unfortunately for many, a potential derailing of carefully maintained diets.   Thanksgiving, in particular, often serves as the starting point for a series of festive gatherings laden with delicious yet carb-laden treats. Navigating this culinary minefield can be challenging, as the combination of food addiction… Continue reading Mastering Special Events

Dr. Tro’s Fasted 5K

  Armenia, a country steeped in history, is grappling with a humanitarian severe crisis. The aftermath of the Artsakh war has displaced over 100,000 refugees, leaving them in dire need of shelter, care, and a chance to rebuild their lives. In the face of these challenges, the American Armenian Health Providers Organization (AAHPO) is tirelessly… Continue reading Dr. Tro’s Fasted 5K

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The SMHP Launches the Journal of Metabolic Health

The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP) has taken a significant leap forward with the launch of the Journal of Metabolic Health. This journal offers a vital platform for researchers and clinics to publish peer-reviewed articles on therapeutic carbohydrate restriction (TCR) and other critical metabolic health topics.   Dr. Laura Buchanan, a board-certified family medicine… Continue reading The SMHP Launches the Journal of Metabolic Health

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From Obesity Prison to
Empowered Health

For over five decades, Amy Eiges found herself trapped in what she called “obesity prison.” Despite seeking answers from doctors, her weight struggle seemed never-ending. At 410lbs, she considered bariatric surgery, but an inner voice urged her to explore other options.   Enter the ketogenic (Keto) lifestyle – a life-changing revelation for Amy. Despite warnings,… Continue reading From Obesity Prison to
Empowered Health

Categorized as Amy, Blog

The state of the
healthcare system

What is going on with your healthcare system?   Many of my patients ask me why I think the healthcare system is in such a disastrous situation. Besides the last several years of COVID flip-flops, the opioid scandals, drugs being pulled off the market and the decades of nutrition flip-flops, many are finding that increasingly… Continue reading The state of the
healthcare system

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Diet & Weight Loss Myths


  There’s lots of misinformation out there, but often the greatest diet and weight loss lies are the ones we tell ourselves.   The Food I’m Craving Will Taste Awesome.   Maybe so. For the first three bites, anyway. But then, if you really pay attention, most foods offer significantly diminishing returns.   As you… Continue reading Diet & Weight Loss Myths

Categorized as Amy, Blog

A company working to help their employees get into shape


Louisiana-based news outlet WWL recently featured Laitram, a global manufacturing leader, for its outstanding Employee Wellness program in partnership with Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss. The segment highlights the remarkable transformations that patients have undergone through the program’s dedicated and comprehensive support led by Dr. Tro Kalayjian and his team of physicians, health coaches, and… Continue reading A company working to help their employees get into shape

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Understanding Keto Products


#1 malnutrition problem in the U.S.   In 1977, George McGovern warned that obesity would be the #1 malnutrition problem in the U.S. Arguably, that is when society became increasingly aware of obesity and heart disease as a cause for concern at a population level.   At the time, I was only 4 years old,… Continue reading Understanding Keto Products

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New Quality of life Study


  A new paper recently co-authored by Dr. Laura Buchanan, MD, a board-certified family medicine physician at Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss, demonstrates improvement in A1C and weight when using continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) in a group medical visit setting (GMV). The aim of this study is to assess the utilization of CGMs in a… Continue reading New Quality of life Study

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