Amy’s Inspiring Journey: Featured in Woman’s World

Taking steps toward a healthier life comes with its challenges, and Amy’s experience with the keto diet illustrates this well. In a recent Woman’s World feature, we learn about Amy’s impressive transformation and the vital role of mentorship and self-determination.   Guided by Dr. Tro’s insights and a personalized plan, Amy conquered her hunger while… Continue reading Amy’s Inspiring Journey: Featured in Woman’s World

From Obesity Prison to
Empowered Health

For over five decades, Amy Eiges found herself trapped in what she called “obesity prison.” Despite seeking answers from doctors, her weight struggle seemed never-ending. At 410lbs, she considered bariatric surgery, but an inner voice urged her to explore other options.   Enter the ketogenic (Keto) lifestyle – a life-changing revelation for Amy. Despite warnings,… Continue reading From Obesity Prison to
Empowered Health

Categorized as Amy, Blog

Diet & Weight Loss Myths


  There’s lots of misinformation out there, but often the greatest diet and weight loss lies are the ones we tell ourselves.   The Food I’m Craving Will Taste Awesome.   Maybe so. For the first three bites, anyway. But then, if you really pay attention, most foods offer significantly diminishing returns.   As you… Continue reading Diet & Weight Loss Myths

Categorized as Amy, Blog

Member Spotlight:
Barbara F.

Name: Barbara Age: 58 Where do you live? Kenner, Louisiana Profession? Customer Service Account Representative Diet/weight history? I have tried many diets over the years and was not successful. I have been obese most of my life and my weight has been increasing every year…until I started Dr. Tro’s Weight loss program. Successes achieved on… Continue reading Member Spotlight:
Barbara F.

The Lying Liar: Learned Helplessness & Food Addiction

learned helplessness NOUN A condition in which a person has a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression.[1] What Is Learned Helplessness? Learned helplessness occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot… Continue reading The Lying Liar: Learned Helplessness & Food Addiction

Categorized as Amy, Blog

Moderation is a Fairytale

At some point (likely many points) during your low-carb journey, you will encounter a tempting food that is off-plan, and something resembling the following will roll around in your brain:   “You can eat that — just have a few bites!! Go ahead! It’s fine! You’ve been so…good. You deserve a treat. You will get… Continue reading Moderation is a Fairytale

Categorized as Amy, Blog

Why Are You Eating?

Every time my eating spirals out of control into a case of the “F-its” (also known as “F-it…I’ve screwed up, so I’m gonna eat all the things and start again on Monday”) it is food addiction talking, somehow convincing me that I don’t care. This all-or-nothing thinking tells me: “Go ahead, eat that. It’s no… Continue reading Why Are You Eating?

Categorized as Amy, Blog

Are You Hungry?

By Amy Eiges I recently wrote on Twitter about the value of “failing” at many attempts to lose weight, all of which landed me before Dr. Tro and the beautifully simple question he posed after reviewing my food logs. He never asked that I track food, but I was terrified not to, conditioned by countless… Continue reading Are You Hungry?

Categorized as Amy, Blog